The 960 Grid

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The 960 Grid

The 960 Grid System is a unique approach to streamline web design workflow by giving common standard sized widths, depending on a standard width of 960 pixels.960×960mm p10 dip led displays factory The grid has two variations: standard and grid with two or more columns.

With the standard grid version, you have to adjust your browser settings to be able to view standard widths.960×960mm p10 dip led displays factory 960×960mm p10 dip led displays factory Most browser options do not accommodate these styles; therefore it's important to get the help of a web designer or consultant to work out your browser preferences before starting a project. If you've done any programming or have HTML knowledge then you should be able to set this up easily.

Grid layout works with just one type of device, namely a laptop or a tablet. With a little bit of planning and preparation, you can also plan to launch your site on a mobile phone, as there's still a wide market for website content.

The square grid is designed for those who have a large computer monitor, and is available in both horizontal and vertical formats. In addition to this, the standard grid is easier to use in smaller screens.

Horizontal and vertical grids are not compatible, which means that if you want to set up your site using the grid then you need to switch to horizontal or vertical. The reason being is that a website using the horizontal grid is not able to support the width that a website using the vertical grid can support.

There is currently no support in Internet Explorer for the 960 Grid, but there is some hope on the horizon. It's possible Microsoft will add support for the 960 grid in the future, although at present the only way to access websites using this grid style is through a developer tool.

960 Grid sites don't have any flash features. Web designers may choose to add flash for an extra touch, but the overwhelming majority of 960 Grid sites use a combination of standard and grid styles.

As mentioned above, there is no support in Internet Explorer for the 960 Grid, but there is hope for that to change in the future. In this article we'll briefly look at the advantages of using standard styles in a grid.

As well as not needing any Flash support, a 960-style grid also allows for greater page load times as the main viewable element, the content of the page, loads faster than the content of other parts of the page. Also, when viewed in a browser the content of the page appears in the top right hand corner and is positioned at the top, so it appears on screen at the same size as the main content.

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